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Marxist, law graduate, civil servant, writer, coder. Blind.
Location: Galicia, Spain, EU.
Interests: #writing #poetry #sf #rust #coq #marxism #tech #erotica #bdsm #kink
Languages: en es gl de eo
Personal blog:


R.S.A. Garcia (she/her)

SpecFic author. Sturgeon & Ignyte Finalist. Codex/SFWA. Clarkesworld/Strange Horizons/EscapePod
Amazon Bestseller:
No racists, TERFS, fascists etc. allowed.

Agent: Cameron McClure - Donald Maass Literary Agency /

Go Fund Me for cancer:

#scifi #authors #sff #fantasy #romance #horror #Trini #books #movies #TV

Noodle 🐍🧶

18+ married, loudmouth, #Yorkshire bairn, mixed race; varied interests, political, definitely sweary, queer bleeding heart lefty. Same @ on the bird app- #Twexiteer #TwitterMigrant

#Classics #ClassicalReception #History #Psychology #Art #Literature #opera #AncientRome #crochet #FountainPens #knitting #Science #Polytheist #ChildFree #fedi22 #ClassicalMusic

Toots in #English, reads/(tries to) reply in #French, #Italian, #Russian and #ClassicalLatin.

👩‍🦯The Blind Fraggle

Call me Kate. Living with kidney disease, and on the transplant list. Almost totally blind, I'm here for Muppets, Star Trek, cartoons, fanfiction and friends. I also am finding I spend a lot of time talking about the need for alt text. Please use it.


AKA MoonBoiRen, RenOnVacation, and other moonie things.
#Black. #Disabled. #Trans. He/His. Dissasociative. Mostly homebound.
• Livestreams art, gaming, chats, co-working, and writing to reach out to others.
• Enthusiastic. Sentimental. Awkward. Sleepy. Snacky.
• Likes #writing, history, #science, tech, social sciences, #books, #art, #gaming, mental health issues, disability issues, cats, #music.
• May post my streams, but does not like the thought of doing so.😶
• Enjoys following, boosting.

Richard Emling

Meines Vaters Sohn, Inklusionist, Genussmensch, selektiver Philanthrop, Planer und Macher, Bartträger aus Überzeugung, Humanist, Judoka, Metal Head, Löwe, Asatru, geburtsblind, Fantast, Geek, Familienmensch, neugierig, manchmal melancholisch, modern und doch traditionsbewusst, Fluchen entspannt, Sushi wurde für mich erfunden, ich hasse Blattsalat, handwerklich geschickt


Mucho texto

Vaka Vanha Vanhanen

Transnational governance, medieval history and languages. Dreaming of European socialist federalism.

Main languages FI/EN + ON, hoping to get FR, SE and IT with the program.


You can officially talk with me about #GoToSocial and #Tusky here.

I will post about Masto meta, ActivityPub, some of the tech, but also social aspects on here.

Patrick Perdue

I'm just a guy from North Carolina, transplanted to New York City. Blind, autistic, going deaf. Amateur radio operator, audio editor/sound engineer (as hearing dictates,) pretend to be a musician sometimes.


who the fuck am I? I'll tell you when I find out

I'm always right: I'm the admin of, and I'm a cat. 🐱

Mary Ann

alma y vocación de artista, aunque mi título universitario diga que soy docente.

a Sapoconcha Tradutora

Algo bióloga e moi tradutora (GL, ES, EN).
Adicta a aprender idiomas, 现在学着汉语.
Synesthesia enjoyer (as palabras teñen cores).
Lévome ben cos gatos e coas pegas.
Ela, ella, she/her, 她.