nyanotech nyanotech@catgirl.download

Open on catgirl.download

nyaaa~ | it/its | 25 | meows at computers | headpats/hugs/etc ok


[UNCREDITED INEBRIATED CRUSTACEAN] ‮✨💻☕ @wxcafe@social.wxcafe.net

Cis/Net admin. a monad that outputs bad networking jokes as a side effect. I like stickers and leather

vivian @vivianrose@mastodon.social

21, she or they (or whatever proposed explicitly-singular gender-neutral pronoun you're trying to popularize)
software dev in Madison, WI. if you're close and friendly, let's hang out! (i am currently too scared of covid to hang out in person with new people but reach out anyway)

Mx Lottie 💜:autistic:​ @LottieVixen@toot.cat

Native English speaker, Programmer, Gamer, Teacher, Polyam, Pan, Trans, Cuddle & Snuggle fiend

Open to receiving affection :3 :teal_heart:

❤️❤️❤️ with @lightdark

bel @dxciBel@deadinsi.de

trans :heart_trans: acab :ancomheart: white 👋🏻 topics include music, books, sports, gaming, general shitposting

mein leben lang gab es nur suppe und leere versprechungen. | yes it's fucking political. everything's political

avatar by @dakabriz on instagram

n0toose@chaos.social @n0toose@chaos.social

Greek abroad trying their luck in Germany. FOSS Developer, Musician, Student. Very nerdy. "Auffällig groß".

Currently trying to make information more free. I post about music, trains, delayed trains, politics and other things in private. (Toots in 🇬🇧, 🇩🇪, 🇬🇷, a bit of 🇳🇱)

All publicly accessible posts are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/)


Smoljaguar @Smoljaguar@spacey.space

fan of all things aerospace, also trying to learn about ai, low level software, hardware

sleepycyborg@chaos.social @sleepycyborg@chaos.social

pronouns: maybe just dont talk about me

mostly talking to myself

biologisch abbaubar

edef @edef@queer.af

computer cat @jeff@federated.fun

[object Object]

Z̈oé :antifa: @uint8_t@chaos.social

this field left blank intentionally

astraluma@tech.lgbt @astraluma@tech.lgbt

Tech transfemme. Code sorceress and ops witch. Also, shameless selfies.

RIP Cybre Space

Philomena @flamingspork@tacobelllabs.net

type of witch who collects oscilloscopes, takes photos on film, and writes fiction
I'm more active on Twitter, but I try to remember to post things on here too