LJ Post 1534831

Huzzah for short domains - Originally posted to LiveJournal

One thing I like is a good short domain, that is clear considering you're probably reading this on ec.je.

I even have a web hosting service on cw.nf, but with my business email sneaking on to ec.je, I decided I needed to have a seperate domain for my personal account.  Something a bit more secure and not as heavily monitored as my ec.je mailbox (because all my business emails go through it).

So I went on a search, and after a couple days of combinations, I found vx.sg.  It came to me thinking wildly out of the box, since I've had the mmn.on.ca domain, website and bbs, there have been so many versions since 1996.

To the point I can honestly say, I can not remember what version of MMN I'm sat on today.  I try to avoid making too many changes, but it is a part of time and one has no choice.

On this line of thought, I came out with Version X, not to be confused with an iProduct intrepretation of X being 10.  The X in this case happens to be X replacing a long forgotten number.

So far I have a blogger site on there where I post endless cat photos, I'm probably going to do something more interesting with it soon though.

But for now, vx.sg is my personal space which I should fill with my ongoing projects and perhaps even one of those marketing guru style about me pages.

However, I would need to discuss this with my new coder whom I recently hired

She's not very good at it though.
