LJ Post 1535793

Email Changes - Originally posted to LiveJournal

Because I started MMN as a hobby, then started to move in to a business context slowly over the years, it's been hard to seperate my personal things from work things, and this is certainly obvious in my email inbox.

Honestly, I'm starting to lose track of my own things between the automatic notifications from all the systems, business emails, personal emails and everything else.

So I'm starting the process of removing domains from the business G Suite account on to a personal email server.

And this means all the domains I've got personally, which are shockingly a lot, are now in to this account.

Over this week, I'll be sending out an email to people I keep in touch with my personal address and of course start the labourious task of moving everything out one by one.

If you want to email me in the interim, it's now via this form.
