LJ Post 1544444

ljgl is Back in Europe - Originally posted to LiveJournal

It’s been a while since I wanted to give a Swedish web host, Binero, a try.

Seeing as when I tried to mirror back the site on to DreamHost, I still had the Site Not Found error, I figured why not have a trial run. Since the monthly cost of an account is about 7€ and I’m looking to keep this site relatively secure and sequestered, since all dis data it has, it seemed like a good opportunity.

So I pulled the site off the cPanel account I was keeping it active on, and I brought it over to Binero.

It took a bit of getting used to, since their platform isn’t really what I’ve come across before but it’s interesting how you can decide whether or not you want an account hosted on Linux or Windows without having your entire account on either side of the fence.

This might be useful down the road for me, so we’ll see how this site ticks along.

So far no real issues, the account was set up easily, managed to figure my way around the system and generally it plays well with CloudFlare.

Anyways, in other general news, I managed to painfully update my FatBit. I was a bit perplexed to find a new icon that I now can’t get rid of, thanks hipsters.

Get out of my life starfucks
